Roberts Radio Radio RD 60 User Guide

DAB/FM RDS digital radio  
model RD-60  
Please read this manual before use  
1. Low battery indicator  
2. Volume control  
3. Headphone socket  
4. Auxiliary Input socket  
5. Telescopic aerial  
6. Favourite button  
7. On/Off button  
8. FM/DAB button  
9. Auto Tune button  
10. Info button  
11. Preset button  
12. Tuning control  
13. LCD display  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
14. DC in socket  
15. Line output socket  
Battery operation  
1. Release the catch securing the rear door of your radio.  
2. Insert four LR20 (D size) batteries into the spaces in the compartment.  
Take care to ensure all batteries are inserted with the correct polarity  
as shown inside the battery compartment. Close the rear door and  
secure the catch.  
3. The Low Battery indicator lighting, distortion, or the radio switching  
itself off are all signs that the batteries may need replacing.  
4. If the radio is not to be used for any extended period of time it is  
recommended that the batteries are removed from the radio.  
We would recommend for economy that the RD-60 is used via the  
AC adaptor whenever possible with battery operation for occasional  
or stand-by use only.  
Using the AC adaptor  
1. Insert the adaptor plug into the DC in socket on the rear of your  
2. Plug the adaptor into a standard 13A mains socket outlet. Whenever  
the adaptor is used the batteries are automatically disconnected.  
The AC adaptor should be disconnected from the mains supply and  
the radio when not in use.  
IMPORTANT: The mains adaptor is used as the means of connecting  
the radio to the mains supply. The mains socket used  
for the radio must remain accessible during normal use. In order  
to disconnect the radio from the mains completely, the mains  
adaptor should be removed from the mains socket outlet  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Operating your radio - DAB  
1. Carefully extend the telescopic aerial.  
2. Press the On/Off button to switch on your radio. The display will show  
"Welcome to DAB".  
3. If this is the first time the radio is used a quick scan of the UK Band III  
DAB channels will be carried out. If the radio has been used before  
the last used station will be selected.  
4. During the scanning process, the lower line of the display shows a  
bar-graph indicating progress of the scan.  
5. When the scanning is completed the first station (in numeric-alpha  
order 0...9...A....Z) will be selected.  
6. If the station list is still empty after the scan your radio will display "No  
stations available".  
7. If no signals are found it may be necessary to relocate your radio to  
a position giving better reception. Then, either switch your radio off  
and on again, or press the Auto Tune button to repeat the scan.  
Selecting a station - DAB  
1. The top line of the display shows the name of the station currently  
2. RotatetheTuningcontroltoscrollthroughthelistofavailablestations  
on the lower line of the display. Stop rotating the Tuning control when  
you find the station that you wish to hear.  
3. PressandreleasetheTuningcontroltoselectthestation.Thedisplay  
may show "Now tuning..." while your radio finds the new station.  
4. Adjust the Volume control to the required setting.  
Note: If after selecting a station the display shows "Not Available" it may  
be necessary to relocate your radio to a position giving better reception.  
The use of radio station presets for selecting your preferred radio stations  
is described on page 16.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Display modes - DAB  
Your radio has seven display modes:-  
1. Press the Info button to cycle through the various modes.  
a. Scrolling text  
b. Program Type  
c. Multiplex Name  
Displays scrolling text messages such as  
artist/track name, phone in number etc.  
Displays the type of station being listened  
to e.g. Pop, Classic, News etc.  
Displays the name of DAB multiplex to  
which the current station belongs.  
d. Time and date  
e. Frequency  
Displays the current the time and date.  
Displays the frequency of the DAB  
multiplex for the station listened to.  
f. Bit rate & audio type  
Displays the digital bit rate & audio type  
for the station being listened to.  
g. Signal Strength  
Displays a graph showing the signal  
strength for the station being received.  
Finding new radio stations - DAB  
As time passes new stations may become available. To nd new stations  
proceed as follows:-  
1. Press and release the Auto Tune button. The display will show  
"Scanning..." and your radio will perform a scan of the UK DAB  
frequencies. As new radio stations are found the station counter on  
the right-hand side of the display will increase and the radio stations  
will be added to the list stored in the radio.  
2. To carry out a full scan of the entire DAB Band III frequencies press  
and hold down the Auto Tune button for more than 2 seconds and  
then release. The display will show "Full Scanning...". As new radio  
stations are found the station counter on the right-hand side of the  
display will increase and the radio stations will be added to the list  
stored in the radio.  
Secondary services - DAB  
1. Certainradiostationshaveoneormoresecondaryservicesassociated  
with them. If a radio station has a secondary service associated with it  
the display will show ">>" next to the station name on the station list.  
The secondary service will then appear immediately after the primary  
service as you rotate the tuning control clockwise.  
2. Press and release the Tuning control to select the station.  
3. When the secondary service shuts down, your radio will automatically  
switch back to the main radio station (or primary service) if it is  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Manual Tuning - DAB  
Manual tuning allows you to tune directly to the various DAB Band III  
channels. UK DAB stations located in the range 11B to 12D.  
1. Press and hold in the Info button until the display shows "Manual  
tune". Press and release the Tuning control to select this function.  
2. Rotate the Tuning control to select the required DAB channel.  
3. Press and release the Tuning control to select the desired channel.  
The graph will indicate the signal strength, and the lower line will show  
the name of the DAB Multiplex (group of radio stations). Any stations  
found will be added to the stored list in the radio.  
4. Press and release the Tuning control to return to the normal tuning  
Signal strength display - DAB  
1. Repeatedly press and release the Info button until the lower line of  
the display shows signal strength.  
2. Position your radio and try moving the aerial so as to give maximum  
reception will be found with the aerial vertical and fully extended.  
3. The clear unfilled rectangle indicates minimum signal level required  
for satisfactory reception.  
Dynamic Range Control settings - DAB  
Dynamic Range Control (also known as DRC) can make quieter sounds  
easier to hear when your radio is used in a noisy environment.  
1. Press the On/Off button to switch on your radio.  
2. Press and hold in the Info button. The display will show “Manual  
3. Rotate the Tuning control until the display shows "DRC value".  
4. Press and release the Tuning control to enter the adjustment  
5. Rotate the Tuning control to select the required DRC setting (the  
default is 0).  
DRC 0 - DRC is switched off, Broadcast DRC will be ignored.  
DRC 1/2 - DRC level is set to 1/2 that sent by broadcaster.  
DRC 1 - DRC level is used as sent by broadcaster.  
6. Press and release the Tuning control to confirm the setting. The  
display will return to normal tuning mode.  
Note: Not all DAB broadcasts are able to use the DRC function. If the  
broadcast does not support DRC, then the DRC setting in the radio will  
have no effect.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Operating your radio - Search tuning - FM  
1. Carefully extend the telescopic aerial fully.  
2. Press the On/Off button to switch on your radio.  
3. Press the Band button to select the FM band.  
4. Press and immediately release the Auto tune button, your radio will  
scan in an upwards direction (low frequency to high frequency) and  
stop automatically when it finds a station of sufficient strength.  
5. After a few seconds the display will update. The display will show the  
frequency of the signal found. If the signal is strong enough and there  
is RDS data present then the radio will display the station name.  
6. To nd other stations, press and release the Auto tune button as  
7. To scan the FM band in a downwards direction (high frequency to low  
and then release.  
8. Whenthewavebandendisreachedyourradiowillrecommencetuning  
from the opposite waveband end.  
9. Adjust the Volume control to the required setting.  
The use of radio station presets for selecting your preferred radio stations  
is described on page 16.  
Manual tuning - FM  
1. Press the On/Off button to switch on your radio.  
2. Press the Band button to select the FM band. Carefully extend the  
telescopic aerial fully for FM reception.  
3. Rotate the Tuning control to tune to a station. With each click of the  
control the frequency will change up or down by 50 kHz.  
4. When the waveband end is reached the radio will recommence tuning  
from the opposite waveband end.  
5. Set the Volume control to the desired settings.  
6. To switch off your radio press the On/Off button.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Display modes - FM  
In FM mode the bottom line of the display can be set to any of the following  
display options:-  
1. Press the Info button to cycle through each of the options.  
a. Scrolling text  
Displays scrolling text messages such  
as artist/track name, phone in number  
b. Program type  
Displays type of station being listened to  
e.g. Pop, Classic, News, etc.  
c. Time and date  
d. Frequency  
Displays the current time and date.  
Displays frequency of the station being  
listened to.  
e. Audio mode  
Display shows Auto (stereo) or Mono.  
Note: Your radio will display "NO RT" on the lower line of the display if  
there is no scrolling text available and "NO PTY" if there is no programme  
type information.  
Favourite button  
Your radio is fitted with a button which when pressed will automatically  
select the required waveband and tune to your Favourite radio station.  
With this button you can store one favourite station from either the DAB  
or FM wavebands.  
To set up your favourite station, follow these steps:  
1. Carefully extend the telescopic aerial and switch on your radio.  
2. Select the desired waveband (DAB or FM) and tune into the required  
radio station as described on the preceding pages.  
3. Press and hold down the Favourite button (for 5 seconds) until the  
display shows "My Fav. saved".  
Recalling your favourite station  
1. Carefully extend the telescopic aerial and switch on your radio.  
If your radio is inAuxiliary Input mode, press and release the DAB/FM  
button to select normal radio operation.  
2. Momentarily press the Favourite button, your radio will automatically  
select the DAB or FM waveband as needed and then tune to the radio  
station stored in the favourite memory.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Preset stations - DAB and FM  
To make it easier for you to tune your radio to the stations that you prefer,  
you may store selected radio stations as presets. Your radio holds presets  
separately for DAB and FM radio modes.  
You may set as many or as few presets as you like in each mode.  
You can easily switch between displaying all DAB stations (or all FM  
frequencies) and displaying only those that you have set as presets.  
Any station or frequency which has been marked as a preset can easily  
have the mark cancelled should your preferences or needs change.  
Presets are retained when your radio is switched off.  
1. To setup your preset stations, tune into the required station.  
2. Press and hold down the Preset button until the displays shows a  
tick symbol next to the radio station name or frequency. This indicates  
that the radio station is marked as a preset. To cancel the preset mark,  
press and hold the Preset button again.  
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed for any other stations that you want  
as presets.  
4. To view only the preset stations for the currently select waveband  
when tuning, press and release the Preset button so that the heart  
symbol shows in the display.  
5. To listen to one of the preset radio stations, rotate the Tuning control  
until the required radio station is displayed. Press and release the  
Tuning control to select and tune to that station.  
6. Tocancelthepresetstationsview,pressandreleasethePresetbutton  
so that the heart symbol disappears from the display. Your radio will  
then be able to access the full station list using the Tuning control.  
FM Stereo/Mono  
1. Ifastationbeingreceivedisweaksomehissmaybeaudible(especially  
when listening using headphones). To reduce this, press and release  
the Tuning control so that the display shows "Switching to Mono".  
Your radio will switch to mono mode.  
2. To return to stereo mode press and release the Tuning control so  
that the display shows "Switching to Auto". Your radio will switch to  
stereo mode.  
Note: Stereo listening is only available when listening via headphones or  
when using the Line Out socket connected to an external amplifier.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Scan sensitivity setting - FM  
Your radio will normally scan for FM broadcasts which are strong enough  
to give good reception. However, you may wish the Auto-scan function  
to also be able to find weaker signals, possibly from more distant radio  
transmitters. Your radio includes a local / distant option for the Auto-scan  
1. Press the On/Off button to switch on your radio.  
2. If needed, press the Band button to select the FM band.  
3. Press and hold the Info button until the display shows "FM Scan  
Zone" then press the Tuning control to enter the scan zone selection  
4. RotatetheTuningcontroltoswitchbetweenLocalandDistantoptions  
on the lower line of the display. The Distant option will allow the radio  
to find weaker signals when scanning.  
5. Press and release the Tuning control to confirm your selection. The  
radio will then revert to the normal information display. The Local or  
Distant setting is stored in the radio and remains in force until changed  
or until a System Reset.  
Note: The initial setting (out of the box, or after a System Reset) causes  
the radio to ignore weaker (or more distant) signals.  
Software version  
The software display cannot be altered and is just for your reference.  
1. To view the software version on the display, ensure your radio is in  
DAB mode and press and hold the Info button for 2 seconds.  
2. RotatetheTuningcontroluntilSWVersiontogetherwiththeversion  
number appears on the display.  
3. After a few seconds the display will revert to the normal display  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
System reset  
If your radio fails to operate correctly, or some digits on the display are  
missing or incomplete, it may be possible to restore normal operation by  
carrying our a System Reset operation on your radio. This will restore the  
radio's settings to their factory defaults. No presets will be stored, and the  
list of DAB radio stations will be empty.  
If you have moved to a different part of the country and you wish to erase  
local DAB radio stations that are no longer available from the stored list,  
for the DAB stations available at your current location when it restarts.  
1. Press and hold down the Info button for 2 seconds  
2. Rotate the Tuning control until the display shows "Factory reset",  
then press and release the Tuning control.  
3. Ifyouwishtoperformtheresetoperation,pressandreleasetheTuning  
control one more time. A full reset of your radio will be performed.  
All presets and station lists will be erased.  
4. After a system reset a scan of the DAB band will be performed.  
In case of malfunction due to electrostatic discharge, reset the product  
(temporary disconnection of the power adaptor or removal or batteries  
may be required) to resume normal operation.  
If a problem persists our technical staff would be pleased to offer  
anyassistanceonoperatingtheradio. Ourtechnicalhelplinenumber  
is 020 8758 0338.  
Headphone socket  
A 3.5mm Headphone Socket located on the top left hand corner of your  
radio is provided for use with either headphones or an earpiece. Inserting  
a plug automatically mutes the internal loudspeaker.  
can cause hearing loss.  
Auxiliary input socket  
1. Connect a stereo or mono audio source (i.e. CD player, MP3 player,  
etc.) to the Auxiliary input socket.  
2. Press the On/Off button to switch on the radio. Press and release  
the DAB/FM button until the display shows "AUX IN".  
Note that the Auxiliary Input mode can only be selected when a plug  
is inserted in the socket.  
3. Adjust the Volume control on your player and on the radio for  
comfortable listening.  
4. Remove the cable from the Auxiliary input socket or press and  
release the DAB/FM button to cancel Auxiliary Input mode.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Line out socket  
A 3.5mm stereo Line out socket located on the rear of your radio is  
line out audio cable will not mute the internal loudspeaker. Set the volume  
control on the radio to minimum if desired.  
Display backlight  
1. When using the radio powered from batteries, the display backlight  
will be switched on for approximately 12 seconds when any button is  
2. When your radio is powered by theAC mains using the supplied mains  
adaptor the display backlight will always be on whenever the radio is  
switched on.  
Your radio should not be exposed to dripping or splashing and that  
no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the  
It is recommended to operate the product such that there is a minimum  
distance (10cm recommended) to adjacent objects in order to ensure  
good ventilation.  
The ventilation of the product should not be restricted by covering it or  
its ventilation openings with items such as newspapers, tablecloths,  
curtains etc.  
No naked flame sources such as lighted candles should be placed on  
the product.  
Do not allow this radio to be exposed to water, steam or sand. Do not leave  
your radio where excessive heat could cause damage such as in a parked  
car where the heat from the sun can build up even though the outside  
temperature may not seem too high. It is recommended that the DAB band  
from interference will usually be obtained than on the FM band.  
The name plate is located on the inside of the rear door on your radio.  
It is recommended to avoid using or storing the product at extremes  
of temperature.Avoid leaving the unit in cars, on window sills, in direct  
sunlight etc.  
Circuit Features  
Power Requirements  
75mm full range  
1.0 Watt  
AC 100 - 240 volts, 50 - 60 Hz  
4 x LR20 (D size)  
only (adaptor)  
Output Power  
Battery Life  
Headphone socket  
Auxiliary Input socket  
Line out socket  
3.5mm dia.  
3.5mm dia.  
3.5mm dia.  
Approx. 120 hours of listening for 4 hours a day  
at normal volume using alkaline cells.  
Frequency Coverage  
174.928 - 239.200MHz  
Aerial System  
Telescopic aerial  
Telescopic aerial  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
This instrument is guaranteed for twelve months from the date of delivery to the original owner against failure due to faulty workmanship or component  
breakdown, subject to the procedure stated below. Should any component or part fail during this guarantee period it will be repaired or replaced free  
of charge.  
The guarantee does not cover:  
1. Damage resulting from incorrect use.  
2. Consequential damage.  
3. Receivers with removed or defaced serial numbers.  
N.B. Damaged or broken telescopic aerials will not be replaced under guarantee.  
Any claim under this guarantee should be made through the dealer from whom the instrument was purchased. It is likely that your Roberts' dealer  
will be able to attend to any defect quickly and efficiently, but should it be necessary the dealer will return the instrument to the company’s service  
department for attention. In the event that it is not possible to return the instrument to the Roberts' dealer from whom it was purchased, please contact  
Roberts Radio Technical Services at the address shown on the rear of this manual.  
These statements do not affect the statutory rights of a consumer.  
97-99 Worton Road  
Isleworth Middlesex  
TW7 6EG  
Technical Helpline :- 020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri during office hours)  
© 2008 Roberts Radio Limited  
Issue 1  

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