REL Acoustics Speaker Storm User Guide

Operating Instructions  
for the  
Sub-Bass System  
REL Acoustics Ltd  
North Road, Bridgend Industrial Estate  
Bridgend, Mid-Glamorgan, CF31 3TP  
United Kingdom  
Telephone: 01 656 768 777;  
International: +441 656 768 777  
Fax: 01 656 766 093; International: +441 656 766 093  
Always switch off your system before disconnecting any wires.  
To increase the versatility of the choice of connecting up, Storm has three  
entirely separate sets of input sockets, two Neutrik and one pair of phonos.  
The first Neutrik is a dual channel (stereo) unbalanced input at high level  
designed to accept the much higher level signals from the speaker  
terminals of the power amplifier. This does have the advantage of ensuring  
that your STORM receives exactly the same signal as the main speakers.  
This means that the character of the bass from the main system is carried  
forward into the sub-bass. This is a very important point and together with  
the STORM's Active Bass Controller (ABC), ensures far superior system  
integration of the sub-bass with the main system. So far as we are aware,  
REL are the only sub-bass manufacturer to take this aspect of performance  
sufficiently seriously to offer the listener this level of sophisticated control.  
The second Neutrik is a single channel high level balanced input designed  
to take the high level output again from the speaker terminals of bridged  
monoblocks. (Two Storm subwoofers required, one for each channel).  
The low level unbalanced phono inputs would normally be used to source  
the signal from the "Sub-woofer Output” sockets, where available, from the  
preamp or Dolby surround sound processor.  
Screw the spikes into the feet of the sub-woofer, level them up or if  
necessary compensate for an uneven floor. It is important that all 4 spikes  
are located securely and that there is no tendency for STORM to rock. If it  
does rock, simply adjust one (or more) of the spikes until it fits securely.  
To Connect to the Power Amplifier:  
See Fig. 1  
1. Use your existing plugs or connect the STORM Neutrik interconnect to a  
spare set of speaker terminals. In effect the STORM is bi-wired from  
your power amplifier. However, note that there are only three  
connections to STORM. This is deliberate and helps preserve the  
existing star earthing of your system (assuming it has a star earth  
arrangement). Connect the Red coloured wire from the Storm Neutrik  
interconnect to the RED speaker terminal of the right channel of your  
power amp. Then connect the yellow coloured wire to the RED coloured  
terminal of the left channel on your power amp. The BLACK wire is  
connected to either one of the Black terminals of your power amp. Do  
not connect this black wire to both black terminals - this is important as  
some amplifiers do not like having their black terminals joined. Connect  
the Neutrik plug to the high level input on STORM.  
R B  
R B  
Amplifier Speaker  
Neutrik Speakon  
To Subwoofer  
High Level Input  
Fig. 1  
Connect the Mains lead to STORM and to the mains and switch ON.  
To Connect to a Dedicated Sub-woofer Output:  
See Fig. 2  
1. For this connection it will be necessary to use whatever type of  
connector is needed by this output. Normally it would be a phono type  
connector. For this method of connection a phono to phono type  
interconnect is required, available from your dealer.  
Note:- If only a single phono subwoofer output is available, either use a ”y”  
splitter to connect the two phono plugs from the REL or use a single  
phono to phono interconnect. This will reduce the volume by 6db.  
Amplifier Dedicated  
Subwoofer Outputs  
Phono to Phono Interconnect  
(Optional Extra)  
To Subwoofer  
Low Level Input  
Fig. 2  
Plug one end of the phono to phono interconnect into the dedicated  
sub-woofer outputs on your power amplifier or surround processor  
and the other end into the line level input on STORM.  
3. Connect the Mains lead to STORM and to the mains and switch ON.  
To Connect to Bridged ( Monoblock) Amplifiers:  
See Fig. 3  
Connect to the amplifier using the Neutrik interconnect supplied with  
Storm. Connect the RED and YELLOW cores to each of the positive  
terminals of the amplifier, ( It does not matter which way around the  
red and yellow are connected ). Connect the BLACK core to ground.  
(See your amplifier manual for this ground connection)  
Bridged Monoblocks  
(One channel shown)  
Amp 1  
Left Speaker  
Neutrik Speakon  
Interconnect (Supplied)  
To Storm Balanced Input  
Right Speaker  
Two Storm units are required with Monoblocks. Each Storm will  
sense one channel only.  
Plug the Neutrik plug into the balanced high level input of Storm.  
Connect the Mains lead to STORM and to the mains and switch ON.  
Initially, test the effect of the controls with STORM sited in any convenient  
position in your listening room. Check that the phase switch is in the  
Normal position. Turn the two filter controls fully clockwise (maximum  
bandwidth) and the gain to minimum. Play some music with known bass  
content, then adjust the gain control for similar sound levels from your main  
system and your STORM. Now reduce both filter controls to minimum.  
Notice that the level of the bass has almost disappeared. This is because  
these very low frequencies are not being boosted by your room Without the  
ABC you would never be able to hear them properly in your room. Increase  
the Gain control until this deep bass is heard. Slowly increase the coarse  
control one step at a time. If one position appears too much, reduce to the  
lower setting then increase the Fine control a notch at a time until there is  
a good match between the two systems. It may be necessary, also, to  
readjust the Gain control.  
Do not worry if it is not immediately obvious which setting is correct. It is  
sufficient at this stage that you perceive that there are differences and that  
one is too extreme in each direction ,i.e. on maximum settings there is too  
much bass and at minimum settings there is too little. It will be necessary  
to test with different types of music with different instruments. At this stage  
try and get a roughly correct setting.  
STORM has a phase reversal switch to allow partial cancellation of the  
frequencies around the crossover point between the two systems. Listen to  
the quality of the bass with the phase normal and reversed. Choose the  
position which subjectively offers the tightest and cleanest bass.  
It may take several days before you are completely satisfied that you have  
found the final best setting. Your acuteness and ability to perceive very  
subtle differences will improve over these days, possibly because you may  
not have previously had the opportunity to hear very deep bass in your  
room. With the ABC you can site STORM almost anywhere you choose. If  
the bass sounds too prominent, simply reduce one of the filter controls a  
notch. If there is a "hole", increase one of the filter controls until it is filled  
in. It is often surprising just how much effect the room is having on the  
bass response. Sometimes even quite small speakers appear to need very  
low settings of the ABC. If this is the case, accept it and feel pleased that  
your stereo imaging extends down so far. It is always better to try and set  
up for a subtle, rather than an overblown effect if possible. However,  
personal taste is the over-riding factor here. If it suits your ears, it is  
STORM is designed as a true sub-bass speaker. It is designed to  
reproduce those exceptionally deep notes that are felt rather than heard.  
This it will attempt to do at whatever volume you set on the gain control on  
its panel. If set too high the driver cone will simply run out of movement  
with the lowest notes, causing a "crack" to be heard. If this warning is not  
heeded and the unit is continuously played in this manner, permanent  
damage will be done to the driver. This damage is NOT covered by  
Warranty. Please remember, STORM is there to supplement your main  
system, not overwhelm it!  
It is an unfortunate fact that most listening rooms are not perfect. Most  
suffer from various problems, particularly in the bass. This is why the  
majority of sub-woofers will not work effectively in most systems - they  
simply overwhelm the system, causing boom and a poor bass  
performance. All REL sub-bass systems incorporate special circuitry which  
we call the Active Bass Controller, or more simply the ABC. The ABC will  
ensure, when set up accurately, that a REL sub-bass matches into your  
system precisely. Of course, should you choose to set the controls for a  
more fulsome bass, or even a totally overwhelming bass, so be it. The REL  
will oblige!  
If your listening room has a rather boomy bass, it may be advantageous to  
deliberately reverse the phase control on Storm so that partial cancellation  
of the bass occurs around the crossover frequency between the REL and  
your main speakers. This will require some patience and care over setting  
up. But many listeners have reported that what was previously a lost  
cause, has been totally cured by this simple expedient. Listeners who have  
had to make do with very small main speakers with a deliberately tapered  
bass response to offset their poor listening rooms are the ones most likely  
to benefit from this option. It is impossible to predict the sound experience  
within a room. We at REL realize this and go to great lengths to offer you,  
the customer, the means to control the sound within your system. Bass  
frequencies are often the most troublesome to predict and control. It is one  
of the reasons why some audiophiles have either given up on trying to  
reproduce very deep bass within their system or put up with an overblown  
bass. REL offers the listener the means to control their system sound.  
If you are one of the very fortunate few with a superb listening room, then  
keep your phase switch in its normal position and ignore this advice.  
However, this switch also allows you to ensure that any phase reversal  
within your power amp can be corrected (where the main speakers should  
then be connected deliberately in reversed phase). Doing this will ensure  
correct absolute phase of your system.  
One of the most frequently reported benefits of owning a REL is the  
improvement in imaging and depth at ALL frequencies. Many theories exist  
as to why this should be, but with many listeners, this has been their most  
pleasing and substantial benefit of owning a REL. Strangely, it often occurs  
most obviously with those listeners who previously have had the least  
interest in deep bass! This effect is most pronounced when the REL has  
been adjusted for the flattest, i.e. not a pronounced bass. It certainly  
disappears where the listener has it set up to give a deliberately over-blown  
or boomy bass.  
Ideally, STORM should be positioned mid-way between your main  
speakers but pushed back as far against the wall as possible. This will  
help with sound integration between the two different sources. It seems  
that we humans prefer to listen to plane waves rather than spherical.  
Waves become planar as they travel away from the source, just like waves  
expanding from a stone dropped in a pond. The further the waves travel,  
the more planer they become. Perhaps it is because we tend to hear plane  
waves at a concert or in a Cathedral or any large building, but whatever the  
reason a more distant source, particularly of low frequencies, appears  
more interesting. It follows that the very worst place to position a sub-  
woofer would be just behind the listening chair. Because of the Haas effect  
(precedence effect of two similar frequencies) we would find such a position  
very fatiguing if not downright offensive. Fortunately, in the preferred choice  
of position even with surround sound, very acceptable results can be  
obtained with a single very low frequency source. Note that these  
comments apply here because all REL sub-woofers are integrated into the  
main system by means of the ABC. Thus only very low bass is being  
generated by the sub-woofer. Such very low frequencies are truly omni-  
directional. Unfortunately, with many sub-woofers which cross-over up  
around 100 Hz, there will be problems because the crossover has a roll-off,  
it is not a brick wall! Therefore there will be some radiation from such sub-  
woofers even at 200 to 300 Hz. At these frequencies we can detect their  
If the preferred position is not possible, try moving the sub-woofer to one  
side or the other. Possibly for a Classical music lover the right hand side  
may be preferred because the double basses are generally on that side.  
(This is being very purist of course).  
Note that a subtle effect is far more effective at improving imaging and  
depth than an up front, overblown bass. Tests appear to show that when  
the bass is made too prominent, the subtle effect of stage depth  
improvements are completely masked. This may mean a much lower  
setting of both the filter controls and the gain than might at first have been  
thought necessary. It is necessary to emphasise that manufacturer's  
claims for their speaker’s in-room low frequency responses should be  
treated with care. It is far better to trust the results you are getting in the  
room with your own ears rather than someone else's in their room.  
When the final position has been settled, it is better to shorten the signal  
lead to the ideal length, rather than coiling it up. Although most modern  
amplifiers are usually exceptionally load tolerant, it is foolish to tempt fate  
by inviting trouble with a coiled up speaker lead (which is what it is in  
effect). A shorter lead also minimises the risk of RFI (Radio Frequency  
Interference). This is more likely than instability today with so many CB  
enthusiasts around. STORM has internal circuitry designed to reduce the  
possibility of RFI to almost zero. Unfortunately, many power amps do not.  
The pick up on the speaker leads (any speaker leads, not just STORM's )  
can be fed back on the amplifier's internal negative feedback circuit to  
provoke trouble through the main speakers. Where this occurs, shortening  
the signal leads will usually effect the cure.  
Care taken over running-in will be rewarded by many years of pleasurable  
use. Both the electronics and the drive units will benefit from an initial  
period of carefully controlled use. During this period, permanent damage  
can be sustained by running the unit at too high a volume setting. On the  
other hand, by taking a little care over this initial period, about 24 hours of  
actual use, a longer life with a higher potential eventual performance is  
The high quality finish is best cared for by using a dampened lint free cloth.  
Alternatively, a soft bristled brush may be used to sweep off any dust  
falling on the surface. If objects are to be placed upon the top, it is  
advisable to use a small mat to protect the surface and to avoid risk of any  
Everything about STORM has been designed and engineered to last a  
1. Always protect the sub-woofer from getting wet.  
2. Always ensure that the panel is correctly earthed via the three core  
mains cable - it is not sufficient to rely on the earth being made via the  
signal ground.  
3. If the mains lead is lengthened (or shortened) make absolutely certain  
that the wires are correctly terminated before switching on.  
4. In the unlikely event of a fuse failure, always replace by an identical fuse  
of the same rating and characteristics. A spare mains fuse is located in  
the sliding drawer of the mains input socket. Further replacements are  
available from your supplier.  
5. Do not attempt to remove the panel or the drive unit from the enclosure -  
all Warranties become null and void if the seals are broken.  
6. Never try to force the switches or the Gain control around further than  
their normal stops.  
7. Do not try to modify or "improve” the design by putting things into the  
reflex port.  
It is not necessary to switch off between listening sessions - it will not  
significantly shorten its life by leaving it switched on. On the other hand, it  
will not harm sound quality if it is always switched off. The power  
consumption in the quiescent state is negligible.  
It is perfectly safe under all normal domestic circumstances as it is fully  
These settings determine the commencement of the upper frequency limit  
of the sub-woofer. The lowest operating frequency is totally unaffected by  
these switches.  
The 4 steps on the Fine control equal 1 step on the Coarse control  
Switch Positions  
Coarse Fine  
Linkwitz-Riley Loading  
40 litres  
Two Neutrik Speakon and one pair phono  
Enclosure volume  
Input connectors  
Gain control range  
Amplifier type  
DC coupled complementary MOSFET  
Input impedances:  
High Level Unbalanced  
Two Channel  
100K Ohm  
High Level Balanced  
One Channel  
Low Level  
Power output  
Drive Unit  
100K Ohm  
10K Ohm unbalanced  
100W RMS, 200W Peak  
Heavy duty Cast chassis 26cm  
18 - 120 Hertz  
Frequency Range  
(Upper frequency dependent on user setting of ABC)  
Mains input Voltage  
Positive or reversed  
220-240 or 110-120 V AC to order, via fused I E.C.  
standard socket with spare fuse in drawer  
415mm x 620mm x 330mm (WxHxD) (22.5 x 20.5 x  
14 inches approx.)  
30 Kg (66 lbs approx.)  
Internal electronic self-resetting  
1 x 1.6 Amp semi delay, 240V operation 1 x 3.15  
Amp semi-delay, 120 V operation  
(Factory selected - do not change without seeking expert advice)  
Supplied accessories: 1.  
Mains lead  
10 metre Neutrik Speakon Interconnect  
Operating Manual  
Set of 8 mm spikes  
In the interest of product development, REL ACOUSTICS LTD  
reserves the right to vary this specification without notice.  
Please Note  
This apparatus is designed to Class II specification  
and is double insulated, therefore it does not  
require to be earthed.  
This apparatus is supplied with a fitted three pin mains plug. A 5 amp fuse  
is fitted in the plug. Should the fuse need to be replaced, use a 5 amp fuse  
approved to ASTA or BSI 1362. Do not use without the fuse cover in  
place. Replacement fuse covers are available from your dealer.  
If for any reason the plug is cut off it must NOT be re-used. Please  
dispose of any such plug safely. There is a danger of electric shock if the  
cut-off plug is inserted into a 13A mains socket.  
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following  
Green and Yellow -  
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead may not correspond with the  
markings identifying the terminals in the replacement mains plug, proceed  
as follows:  
the wire coloured Green and Yellow must be connected to the  
terminal marked with the letter "E" or with the earth symbol  
coloured Green or Green and Yellow.  
the wire coloured Blue must be connected to the terminal  
marked with the letter "N" or coloured Black.  
the wire coloured Brown must be connected to the terminal  
marked with the letter "L" or coloured Red.  
Revised July 9rd 1997, Nov 11th 1997  
This product is CE marked and has been tested to ensure it satisfies all  
relevant standards for EN 50081-1 using the limits of EN 55022 class B  
and IEC 801 - 4 wherever relevant.  
It satisfies all tests for Conducted Emissions, Radiated Emissions,  
Susceptibility and Immunity.  
It also complies with the requirements relating to class II construction  
detailed in clauses 9 & 10 of BS EN 60065 1994.  
It also satisfies all relevant safety tests for consumer use provided it is  
used within the guidelines of this manual.  

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